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If we can destroy Religious Hypocrisy with the 5000+ Errant disclosures that were overlooked in the Bible, can we forever overlook the 3000 plus lies and growing that have been spouted by a living human on live TV, Media and his own Twitter Account. Do I need to introduce the Persona of Celebrity President.

Nevermind345 7 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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My question for you is, why do you seem to assume that "the bible" is the only religious text with words of hypocrisy? There's a big difference between being agnostic and simply being anti-Christian.

Anti means Against. I don't have hatred toward any persons or a particular religion and expose those who use it as a means to an end which includes hatred of others. That you embrace something that has so many faults and bigoted beliefs such as dictating how a person should live their lives in according to what is written and not how they want. Equality of all and no one is above another. Lots of Holy Shit that needs to be explained and not believed.

...yes. But that is the basis of all the world's major religions? Believe in what we do or you're unworthy of insert your particular god here. It's not just a christian scenario.


Hope reigns forever.


We shouldn't overlook lies from anyone.

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