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Hard to argue with that. (The HitchMan tells it like it is) 😎 For those not familiar with his work, Christopher Hitchens explains why religions are total BS. []

captfeelgood 7 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Christopher Hitchens was one of the few outspoken atheists that actually called out Islam.
Back in 2009 he was warning the west about mass immigration being disproportionately full of Muslims.

Not one of them would dream of trying to assimilate into whatever gracious country allowed them in .
Instead importing their hateful bigoted stone Age ideals with them. Slowly infecting their new surroundings until
the host country resembled exactly where they escaped from.. . But who listened to him . ? No-one.


Lennox is/was free to build cathedrals of logic on foundations of sand, but he was stupid to expect those cathedrals to remain standing when the wind of logic and reason touched them.

Truth in a poetic form. πŸ™‚

I didn't know this side of you. I like it. πŸ™‚

@Betty I suggest you Google -Who wrote "Lennox is/was free to build cathedrals of logic on foundations of sand, but he was stupid to expect those cathedrals to remain standing when the wind of logic and reason touched them."
The quote you mentioned is attributed to David Hume, a Scottish philosopher and historian. It reflects the idea that logical arguments should be built on solid foundations to withstand scrutiny. Hume’s work has had a significant impact on philosophy and epistemology. 🌟

@captfeelgood I first heard those words from a commentator on BBC Radio 4 remarking on Enoch Powell's "Rivers of blood" speech of 1968. []

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