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So, if it says that 'so and so group is not available', does it meant that the originator/moderator of that group does not allow me to join it?

Ryo1 8 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I think so as it means you have been blocked from that particular group. Has happened mid discussion to me eg I see there is a reply to a comment I make so I go to look and get the olde "group not available".
Some moderators power trip. I think community senate, if above level whatever it is, is the only place there is none blocked.

puff Level 8 June 29, 2024

I see. I may have done a similar thing. I can't remember what conversation I was engaged in, though. Possibly about gun control. It is one of the right-wing groups that is not availabe to me. So, basically, the group moderator decided to ban me because they didn't like what I said. Kinda pathetic. Like I care. Lol Anyway, cheers.

@Ryo1 join the club. I think there used to be a group for people banned.


Several years ago after I disagreed with a post by the owner of a group titled Conservative Pinata, further attempts to post there were blocked.

Ah, that's probably what's happened to me, too. Right-wingers typically blame left-wingers for cancel culture. They boycott free speech, too, then?


I have no idea, so I will leave this comment to keep me in touch, because I would like to know too.

Me too.

@Fernapple, @Betty
Puff and Tom solved the mystery for me. See their comments.

@Ryo1 Got it thanks.

@Betty, @Fernapple, @Ryo1 the answer is to start your counter group & invite the mods & members of the groups that ban you to join your new group.

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