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Congratulations America, your supreme court just turned your country in to a Dictatorship in potentia.
If Trump wins, he will be running a legal Tyranny not only as president but as God/King for the rest of his stinking life.

LenHazell53 9 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Looking for loopholes in the Founders’ 1787 Constitution.

That’s what then-Pres. Trump’s lawyers were doing, while most of us were sleeping.]

Who were not sleeping?


Yep. Simple as that.

Not that simple, David.

@yvilletom I've been hearing that kind of stuff for years. Trump won't do this. The Republicans won't do that. This won't happen. That won't happen. I just ignore it and continue to see my fears come true. I recall being chastised by Americans here back in 2020 when Trump lost. Now he'll just fade away, they said, because that's how it is in America. No he won't, I told them. The fascist foundation in America between a fascist party and fascist populist movement won't go away. They won't stop. All they need is a supple judiciary and a compliant military. One more election win and that's that. But hey, what do I know. I just happen always to see what's coming, but then again, any fool with a half functioning brain could see. Maybe having studied 20th Century fascism helped.


America is dead.

Not yet, Gail.

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