2 9

Scammers are at it day and night.

Jolanta 9 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I received a call at 7:30 AM today for someone wanting to discuss some sort of "plans" with me. I had just gotten up and my son had just dropped off my granddaughter. I shouted angrily to the person, "Why the hell are you calling and bothering me at 7:30 AM?"

Before I could continue, she hung up on me. Was it something I said and how I said it????


I have frigging people call me on the phone and want to talk these things over with me. Seriously! My first thing back at them is "do I know you?" Then, "why are you having trouble with English and why do you think I would give you any info?" This is about the time they hang up.

The last guy who wanted to discuss "Medicare" with me not only hung up on me, but said "Fuck you!" in his foreign accent before doing so. Honestly, did he think that would offend me or hurt my feelings?

@Gwen_Wanderer Gwen, the poor scammer thinks we are messing with his way of making a living.

@DenoPenno exactly! I wonder how many old people fall for their tactics. It is in the news so much, it seems that few would, but who knows?

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