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Here is a little info for frustrated computer users. Yahoo and Google are wanting to do the "two step verification" process with me. The main idea is that the hacker will be in your e-mail but not on your phone. (I disagree.) They want to call your phone just to prove it is you. How wonderful. Yes, they are really doing their job. Here is my fix for that. Click on it and the page opens. Now go to the top of your browser and you find your e-mail. Click on that and then close the "two step verification." Browsers are all different but so far this works every time.

This next one is constantly asking if you are a robot. Google used to pull this on me often. It is annoying and also funny. Robots do not use, store, or steal anything. What causes this error is too much activity in browser cache and if you stream anything it gets worse. The fix is pretty simple. Open your browser and go to your user cache, select it all, and delete it. Now the system has to start over and user packets are not coming from everywhere like before.

I hope this helps someone. I'm using a Firefox browser but they are all fairly much the same for something like this. I have also turned Edge browser off completely thanks to apps at

DenoPenno 9 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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No one replying here so I been passing this one on by word of mouth. I was surprised by how many people have been bothered by these 2 problems and did not know what to do about it.

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