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See, all it takes is doing your own research and not just listening to the MSM. 😊👍 []

captfeelgood 7 July 2

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What "research" did she do? Probably nothing more than listening to youtube videos and visiting alt-right websites. That's not research.

And taking something out of context once or twice is quite possible. But Trump has spent the past 9 years spewing lie after lie. He mocked a handicapped person on live TV. He was impeached twice. He has praised white supremacists. He tried to overturn an election. He incited his followers to attack the U.S. Capital. He has stated on at least two occasions that he would be a dictator on his first day of office. He has called for U.S. politicians to be imprisoned.

But sure, the collected world media has joined forces against Trump to smear his character... for what reason?


The mainstream media has been left biased for quite some time especially since Obama.

So you think this stupid MAGA bitch did her own research. She is another moron of our times. Too young to know much of anything about Trump.

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