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Hope everyone had a special 4th of July (a British friend once told me this was their Thanksgiving Day). One would think living on a small island the celebration would not be special but au contraire. Here’s a link that says otherwise. Go to the “Behind the Scenes” section to see what goes on in some fireworks, especially here. I learned a lot from this and now appreciate the Japanese art form a lot more. []

pedigojr 7 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I think your British friend was taking the piss, we have no thanks giving day, unless they meant we gave thanks to be rid of the American colonies.
Our fireworks day is November 5th, celebrating the foiling of the Gun powder plot of 1605, a terrorist attack on the UK houses of parliament and King James I by religious fanatics (Jesuit Roman Catholics) as a protest against his proposed introduction of the KJV Bible then in preparation and actually published some 6 years later.

Too bad they didn't learn when they, you tried it again. Still, when you won the 2nd time you chose not to stick around.
Good to know as I've been sharing an event, involving fireworks, from a city I once lived in, Heidelberg, German. In 1690 the French laid siege to the city. The city had become Lutheran and the French Catholics decided to punish them hence the siege and burning of the famous castle. Now in commemoration of the burning (and to get in more tourists) the city commemorates this with fireworks.


Sounds like something to try one of these years. I'm in Marysville, WA visiting my son today, and we had a quiet holiday. I got to see a pretty sunset shining on the mountains, they looked purple! Now that it's dark, I'm able to sit in the cool darkness and see a light show right outside my open window, but with my noise-canceling headphones on, haha!

My daughter lives in a small community in the summers, near Bow, WA, and their small town parade is fun. They had plenty of company joining them for that this year, taking up beds in their house, so I opted for a quiet day with my son instead. I'll be bouncing between their 2 houses for the next 2 weeks, since they're busy with work and the kids are at camp several days.

I'm helping my son with some home improvement projects, and when I need a break from that labor, I'll go up and rest at my daughters, haha!

Did you watch the Behind the scenes video? I did and learned a lot of fascinating facts (we are the largest all volunteer fireworks group in the country). The whole process and the art form it is is something special. I am a firm believer when one learns about a piece of art (fireworks can be such) the more one appreciates it.
I have met women in Marysville and it's an interesting place. I have close friends that live along Marine View Drive. Even more interesting is Bow/Edison. I go through that area at least once a month on my way to Bellingham (Chuckanut Drive). Seems like another coincidence between us.

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