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Many people have worked themselves to exhaustion and have underperformed.

Most people have NOT:

Been charged with a total of 88 Felony Counts across four Criminal Investigations.

Committed Rape and Sexual Assault.

Instigated an insurrection and Conspired to Defraud the United States

Mishandled Classified Documents

Conspired to Obstruct Justice

Committed Fraud and Racketeering

…And much, much more.

nogod4me 8 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Luckily those in power have America's best interests at heart, and would never put maintaining their own power before national interests, enabling a Commander in Chief who is not up to the job putting the whole US and world at risk considering the world is in war mode.

puff Level 8 July 6, 2024

Luckily, Biden has already proven himself more than capable of protecting America. The fat-ass orange shit-eater just wants to be a dictator.

@nogod4me I would call one who refuses to relinquish power when they know their time is past somewhat dictatorial. With those accepting this situation as "normal" as rather authoritarian and anti-democratic themselves. Especially those wishing to extend his reign.

@puff One who believes they are above the law and professes they will be a dictator on day one is the person we should be concerned about. All the little cult tricks to make Trump seem better or equal to Biden is for the simple-minded and ignorant to fall for.

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