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If you define "God" as, giving life then, nature qualifies.

Betty 8 July 6

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That sounds about right.


Yeah, if you look at god as nature without all the ridiculous supernatural stuff, I think that is a very sensible way of defining "god", if you have to believe in some kind of god.

I can easily live with that. 🙂

I believe that Native American have The Great Spirit which is nature.


Very true, one of the best quotes I have read in a long time.

Someone else said. "How do you honor god by disrespecting his creation ? " Yet the core value of the Abrahamic religions, is to, despise this world in order to win a better one.

However it is also illogical, to go to faith based institutions looking for logic.


Hypocrisy at its stupidest! Lol!!!


But ... but ... but ... the Buy Bull gives Man dominion over all things!

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