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Ever notice how god never does anything to the atheists ...

snytiger6 9 July 7

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She knows I’ll kick her ass….😇🙏😇


But there are fears. When I was a believer I used to think god killed Madalyn Murray O'Hair because she did not believe in him.


Ever notice how god NEVER does ANYTHING ... PERIOD.

I theorize that god must have invented the tablet long ago to fend off boredom…..😇


It’s funny when I first admitted to myself that I was an atheist, I kept thinking I was going to get struck by lightning or have some catastrophe to prove I was wrong. I would reluctantly go to churches for weddings and funerals thinking he’d get me there. But I realized that was just the residual of the heavy brainwashing I had from minister father. Decades later and nothing!

No such thing as god.


It’s very much like he doesn’t exist.

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