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It’s hot most everywhere, so thought I’d share this.

KateOahu 8 July 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I’ll stick with air conditioning! 💨☃️


I like that idea! Perhaps I'll host one of those parties some day

Unity Level 8 July 9, 2024

That looks good to me today! Add a few ice cubes!

I'm usually quite comfortable in Hawaii, but so far my vacation to my son's house north of Seattle has me baking as if I'm in an oven. It was actually cooler outside tonight, sanding and painting his deck than it was to sit inside and relax. Once his deck is repainted we can uncover his deck furniture and relax outside. That's my goal before I leave.

My daughter's house is further north, so was a lovely temperature over the weekend. The hot tub didn't really sound all that inviting so, we kept it covered.

Later this week, on my son's day off, we are taking a ferry to Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands, where it will be much cooler, in the 60s. He'll love that. He's been delivering mail in 90 degree heat. He deserves a cool day. 🙂 And me too!

So glad you’re getting to see your family.

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