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Trudging down the path of life looking for the ever illusive “Higher Power” I came across the Naturalist and asked her where I could find God. She said God is the nature of the universe and I agreed. Continuing on I came across a Native American and asked him where I could find God. He said God is the Great Spirit in the sky, provider of all things and I agreed.
Then I met a Taoist and asked him where I could find God. He said God is “The Way”, the Way by which all things happen and I agreed. The next person I met was a scientist and I asked him
where can I find God. He said God is the Unified Mass, an everywhere present energy and I agreed. Then there was the New Age Spiritualist I asked where can I find God and she said God is the Universal Mind, the intelligence that underlies all creation and I agreed. It was a group of hippies I met next. I asked them where I could find God and they all raised their voices and sang out God is Love, Man, God is love. It wasn’t long after that I came across a man who had elevated himself by standing on a rock. I looked up at him and asked where I could find God. He said God is sitting on a throne somewhere in the far reaches of the sky watching your every move. He is an angry, jealous, vindictive old man with a long white beard patiently waiting to exact punishment on you for your sinfulness. Then the man on the rock put before me a basket attached to a long stick and told me to give him money. Although his thoughts weren't worth it, I gave him a penny, turned around and journeyed back to the Hippies, the New Age Spiritualist, the Scientist, the Native American and the Naturalist feeling good that I had learned what God is and spent a penny to learn what God isn’t.

Drank_Spear 7 July 9

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I have no idea what god is. I am also beyond wondering.

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