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Ice cream for lunch? Yes please! Especially when it's from Lopez Island Creamery, made with Skagit Strawberries in a sugar cone. Yum!

I'm visiting Washington State, and it's been so hot where my son lives, that we took a day trip to the San Juan Islands today, where it's much cooler. We took a ferry to Orcas Island and pretty sure we passed by Lopez Island, where @pedigojr lives!

I actually tried to message Jack through this site - and thought it went through - but alas it vanished into thin air.

This was my first time ever visiting the San Juan Islands, so I thought I'd start my exploration with one that is easy to drive around and has some sights I thought my son would like. We visited Moran State Park, hiked a little bit to some waterfalls, and the short trail up to the top of Mount Constitution with a lovely view.

I've always dreamed about going to the Rosario Resort, and wanted to have dinner there, but the mansion is closed for renovations. They did have this old timey phone though, that still works! There was a dial tone.

We had a very pleasant relaxing day! Now that I have mastered the art of getting vehicle reservations online buying passenger tickets in advance, I'm ready to visit some of the other islands in due time. What a great getaway!

Did I suggest this day trip to get out of painting my son's deck railings and front porch? Um... guilty! It's been too hot to work outside - and a cool excursion was perfect on his day off!

Julie808 8 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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My favorite ice cream is Whidbey Island Ice cream made on Whidbey Island. Enjoy your stay in Washington. I am going to Hawaii in 2 weeks.

I've not tried Whidbey Island Ice Cream. Maybe on my next trip. I'm on my way back home to Kauai on Sunday. I'm currently in Auburn, WA celebrating my 50th high school reunion at Emerald Downs. Tomorrow I'll be going up to Lincoln Park, closer to the schools I attended and walk down memory lane there.

Which Island will you be visiting in Hawaii?

@Julie808 Staying at the Grand Wailea on Maui. I went to Kauai last year and loved it.


I also tried to message but it ended up being addressed to another member. You did pass Lopez as we are the first island one comes to. There is no Lopez Island Creamery but it is simply a name by a dairy on the mainland. Orcas is the biggest and, due to it's shape the one that requires a lot of driving. The main center is some 12 miles from the Ferry terminal. Moran State Park is fabulous and is the main attraction to the island. Lopez actually has the most national monument sites that are easier to get to than Orcas which none that I know of.
I'll give my phone and if you text I'll include an email 3604885929

What??!! Here I thought I was eating something special FROM Lopez Island, haha! I guess it's like my Alki Bakery breakfast sandwich which I later found out was really made in Kent, WA. There is no longer an Alki Bakery in West Seattle where I grew up.

My son and I enjoyed our excursion. We did have to wait a bit on the Orcas side due to the interisland ferry having to catch up. Our ferry had to back out and re-dock, which took an extra hour.

I've asked my oldest grandson if he wants to go have an adventure next week, but we haven't made any plans yet. Not sure if we'll stay close to home or take a day trip somewhere. I have forgotten how beautiful Washington State is in the summer!

My visits to this site are getting fewer and farther between. I only just now saw your comment. (After 10pm) I will put your number in my phone and text you in the day time so you will have my number too! Thanks!

@Julie808 Sorry to hear about Alki. Alki was our go to place while living in W. Seattle. Of course it became more and more popular. It was called the Venice Beach of Washington state but, as such, it became a hassle to keep up with the products which, I imagine, had to be outsourced and mass produced.

This is the first I've heard of one ferry, already at a terminal having to back off and waiting. Usually the arriving ferry had to wait. However, at this time the system is a mess. New rules are coming in to make the system more efficient and, I suspect this is one of them. Funny thing, when one lives on a real island (not one connected by a bridge) there are limits. Of course the business people don't seem to see this and sustainable simply means constant growth.

I did get you message and replied. It seems my two closest friends are throwing in the towel and permanently relocating to their condo on the Big island (Hawaii). They have daughters with kids both in Berkeley and Langley and will come for visits. Maintaining their properties have become too onerous (and with me as well). Here's a video of a home tour last year and they are the first ones in the 'round' house. It's a bit confusing as there's a 2nd home under the carving studio. They built this home entirely. Chuck is a retired physicist and a contractor (and an over builder and perfectionist). This place will be hard to sell as it is unique with only one bedroom in the main house with another in a basement (which is inaccessible from the main house).

@pedigojr Wow, those are some interesting homes!

@Julie808 Contractors here work in a funny way. There is no competition and all have about the same rates. This includes costs + 6%. We had the shell of the first phase done which went 50% over budget (the contractor was forced to eat $9K due to his lack of diligence. We then found a contractor off island and he not only did what we wanted (I did a lot of the construction) but gave us a 10% discount on items he bought at a wholesaler. He also did a lot of extra things.

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