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Why Gwen can have nice things but not local friends:

Not that I expect anyone to remember, but several weeks ago I am sure that I posted about meeting up with a former friend whom I had not seen in years. I had let the friendship dribble away for several reasons and when we met again again after 15 years, I remembered some of them. Now, she believes that the moon is hollow and that aliens have been on earth for millions of years.

Okkkkkkkkkkkk . . . I can take a bit of "fantasy," but when we talked on the phone today, she began to talk about Trump favorably. I mentioned Jan. 6, and she said NONE of the people who were convicted should be in prison as NONE entered the Capitol illegally but were invited in. They came in buses and the police let them in. They did NOT bring in weapons. She knows because she saw the tapes. They did not become violent until the cops provoked them. (So, where did they get the guns?)

Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk . . . She went to say that there would be NO election. I said that would be so if Trump became dictator beforehand. She said that no one would run against him. She insisted again that he would become president by default because no one would run against him. He IS the "Commander in Chief" and everything will be ok.

Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk . . . This woman is pagan, not Xtian, is lesbian, and up until now, I thought she was a liberal.

I told her that I cut friends out who voted for Trump the first go 'round. She's gone . . . I can handle delusions to a point, but not this one.

She is educated and teaches in higher education. She has also written a "textbook" on which she has spent thousands and thousands of dollar toward getting it finished (she teachers religion, not writing, paid someone to edit it) and published. She will have to self-publish and no school outside of a "metaphysical" one would use such a book.

Oh, well.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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My local friends have either died, moved away, or are trump supporters. I therefore have no local friends. I have questioned cutting my ties with trump supporters, but am reminded everyday that it is the right decision.

If I didn't cut them off, I can guarantee some heated arguments would ensue. My bottom line is that I would not have Trump in my house, and they want him to rule the country.


Sounds like your old friend has fallen down some rabbit holes that are echo chambers of all those anti reality networks. I think the right wing nuts peddling that stuff had quite a gift during the pandemic when many people had nothing to do but get sucked down those tunnels of total nonsense.

I fear that many of my old friends and acquaintances, many of them fairly intelligent, have fallen prey to those marketers of conspiracy nonsense. I have lost touch with many because of it.

This weekend I'm attending my high school reunion and was going through the profiles of some who are attending, to try to find a few classmates who are grounded in reality. So far I haven't found any who aren't outright right wing nutters. I think the few who may be more liberal and skeptics like me are simply not stating so on their profiles. I however put very clearly Atheist, Liberal, Democratic Values, etc. in the answer boxes for religious and political views.

These days, it's actually a deciding point as to whether I want to talk with some of these folks. I'm outspoken enough these days to come right out and talk about my humanistic views, even more so, when I already know in advance the narrow mindedness of those who hide behind their pretense of being religious - I like to be a bit "in your face" about how happy I am to look at the bigger picture, do what's right for the most, be ethical and responsible, and not worry about what religious views are correct, incorrect, or simply don't matter. Our actions and what's in our hearts matter more.

On FB, I connected with some friends/acquaintances from high school and even elementary school. ALL of them were Trumpers and in the last two presidential elections, all but one unfriended me. She was not on the site much but we also reconnected in the last year or so when I discovered she had moved to No. Arkansas--I live in So. Missouri. We haven't seen each other, but I don't think that is going to happen. She posted on FB how the democrats are filled with vitriol and that is why Trump was shot.

DEMS are filled with VITRIOL? If so, then repubs have it flowing in their veins. We have known each other for about 60 years, but the friendship ain't gonna last. Between her belief in the Pope and Trump, there's nothing left for us to even talk about.


The delusion runs deep in that one. How does a person believe in such nonsense?

She was "out there" 16 years ago, but she is in the deep end now. I cannot fathom how someone with a modicum of intelligence can not only believe that the moon is hollow, but that Trump is a savior. She said she NEVER heard that he was sexist and that Blacks support him so he can't be racist. She is gay and pagan, and I guess she doesn't know that while Trump doesn't care about that, his followers will. Wait until the Bible used as law. Heck, I might even turn her in. (Grin.)


How sad and disappointing. I imagine you had hopes when you reconnected but instead of her intellect maturing over the years it has been corrupted.

I have a friend who lives two doors down from me. She is a good friend and has been very supportive. Our only point of contention is...she likes Trump and believes he is the best choice for president. She believes there is a conspiracy backed by the Obama's and the Clinton's. We have has some heated arguments over this issue. In the end we agree to disagree. I guess every friendship has a potential dark side.

I hope you'll meet someone who is more compatible soon. It's nice to have friends.

I feel for you and would give you a big hug if my arms were long enough so, you'll just have to make do with a virtual one. 🤗

Betty Level 8 July 17, 2024

I haven't known her since we were young but as she wasn't like this when I did know her, I was shocked. First, it was the hollow moon and then, Trump will save the nation. I thought she was liberal but if so, something changes in the last 16 years. As I said to Wayne Dalton, she is gay and pagan--just wait until Trump's "other" supporters learn about this.

I cannot agree to disagree with her. I could deal with her belief in a hollow moon, but not Trump.

People in this neck of the wood are overwhelmingly Xtian and Trumpers. I am reclusive, but it is nice to have someone to meet for lunch on occasion. However, lunch with Trump as the topic is not going to happen.

And HUGS to you, my friend!

@Gwen_Wanderer I quite understand your inability to compromise where she is concerned. She is a little further down the rabbit hole than my friend.

The only times the topic of Trump comes up is when something newsworthy happens. Like the debate and the shooting. My friend is intelligent, pragmatic, and logical for just about everything else.

After our arguments are done and we hug it out I am often left confused and flabbergasted at the contradiction in her personality. She's great fun ninety percent of the time.

The other plus...She can't vote for Trump. Yay!

@Betty my, ahem, acquaintance has every intention of voting for the orange fool.

When we were talking on the phone last night and this topic came up for the first time and I expressed my opinions about Trump, she kept saying, "At least you haven't thrown me under the bus. or told me to get lost." I told her than I had broken off friendships in the past when some people I knew voted for Trump. I guess her delusion extends to the belief that we can still be friends. She is wrong.

I told her about Trump saying that he grabbed women's pussies and moved on one specific woman "like a bitch." She asked me where I read that and I told her that I heard the tape recording of him saying it. She said she NEVER heard of it. Selective hearing, I guess.

@Gwen_Wanderer Delusion plus belief. Wanting something so badly, they can contradict themselves, make up things, and ignore the obvious. We see it in religious fanatics and we are witnessing the process with Trump supporters. He spun a pretty promise, and they would forgive him anything to achieve it.

The Democrats have to take some of the responsibility as well. Loss of confidence in government due to corruption was committed on both sides. Certain demographics were underserved and ignored. This gave Trump an opening and he is running with it.

@Betty I am not much fonder of the dems than of the repubs. It's kinda like choosing the lesser of two evils.

Religion is wanting something so bad (heaven, the concept of unconditional love) that they are willing to give themselves over to a god belief. When we contradict them, the promise of heaven is threatened.

Honestly, I cannot figure out what my erstwhile friend thinks Trump is going to do for her. She also believes that country will fall apart by the end of the year. I guess she thinks that Trump can prevent that.

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