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This is exactly why you NEVER EVER call the police. Defund these motherfuckers.


Drank_Spear 7 July 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Defund the police not the answer. Demilitarise them instead. Training.
There is a failure across the board to enforce the law. Murder no doubt so prosecute. Enforce the laws already in place. Especially politicians and those on the public payroll.
This case is a severe lack of training. If they saw boiling water as a potential weapon then don't tell the potential threat to pick it up, not rocket science. There was no reason for them to draw their weapons.

puff Level 8 July 24, 2024

I have seen this before and it makes me angry as hell. The cop shooter claims she came after him with boiling water. The video proves that he is a murderer and a goddamned liar.

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