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The only reason you feel like there is a god ...

snytiger6 9 July 27

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The only time I ever felt like there was a god, was the day I lost my virginity. Three weeks later the bitch cut me off, and I was certain the devil was real too….🤷🏻♂️


Exactly. At one time we believed this coz the old folks told us it was right and the bible backed it up. Today it appears that the Internet is causing the death of gods. We were all duped.

I don’t know that I was ever duped. I was ten the morning I told my mother that it didn’t matter how many times she forced me to go to church on Sunday, because I was never gonna believe that horseshit…..🤷🏻♂️
She fussed at me and told me to get in the car. But that was the last time she made me go!😇


Plus socially get together and bullshit 🙄

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