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I previously mentioned a writer/stripper/atheist who wrote an editorial in a recent Free Inquiry magazine. [] I bought her book (she has written many) and discovered she found her group at an FFRF convention in San Francisco in 2018. She was a former stripper but discovered her atheism presented more push back than her stripping. She was embraced by the whole group and felt at home. Later she went on to write a piece about her finally figuring out the ‘god’ question which appeared in the FFRF’s, Freethought today newsletter. What a coincidence, as I, and another member of, met at that convention. Here’s her article:[] and her bio: [] My first posting on her editorial got not comments but maybe this time, we’ll see.

pedigojr 7 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I never considered the deadly fate of all the rest of the animals in the Ark fable. Jerk doesn't begin to cover it. And those that behave themselves to avoid hell have been deprived of any understanding of morality. The article highlights real morality quite well.

One thing that amazes me was why did no one consider the huge number of non-mammalian species. The birds, reptiles and millions of insect species upon which the world needs to pollinate our crops. To think all the numbers (all religious minded) people trying to find any remains of this mysterious ark just beyond insane.


Logical and rational. Good article. 🙂

Betty Level 8 July 28, 2024
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