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Who remembers this teenybopper?

Jolanta 9 July 29

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He died at the age of 67 in 2017, from chronic liver failure, he had been on the waiting list for a transplant for several years but a compatible donor was never found. His cast recording of Jesus Christ Superstar is widely regarded as the best version ever.
When his estate was assessed he was found to only have left $500,000 most of his earnings from his 50 career had been donated to charity


I'm embarrassed to say that my sister and I were gifted a huge picture of David Cassidy and another teeny bopper idol to hang in the bedroom we shared as teenagers. It was a joke gift, but still, haha! We did watch the Partridge Family and while I don't think we owned any David Cassidy records, we did sing a along with songs on the radio!

I saw a few episodes of the Partridge family and I did enjoy them. Now I would just not waste my time. Funny how our tastes change.

@Jolanta We have a lot more choices nowadays, with more interesting story lines, for sure!

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