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The Racist Orange Turd Humiliates Himself ...Again.

nogod4me 8 July 31

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I really shouldn't have watched that before breakfast 🤐


Is he capable of opening his mouth and not humiliating himself?


Could not suffer to watch the whole thing, but listened in for a sixty seconds or so, when he said. "Im jab wilby chuck ang gabble itty phug, fance dibble snof. " Then wobbled his joules.

Which I am sure was very funny and insightful. But it leaves me wondering, about something the Americans on here may be able to explain, which is. If the MAGA people are so worried about the dilution of American culture by migrants,why do they want a non English speaker for president ?

Ah, but he speaks the language of his followers!

@Gwen_Wanderer That he does.


He just dug deeper and deeper into a swamp, he's a blithering idiot!

It was a very aggressive interview style. He handled it and will have forgotten already eg he doesn't care.
Cracks me up being with the times and woke, which I totally agree with the basic principals of individuality and not being discriminated against because of who you are. This means sexual identity, skin colour, age, ethnicity etc all that stuff should not matter at all in how we are treated.
But the media and politicians, who constantly promote this "tolerance" and acceptance also constantly divide voters into blocks and refer to them via sexual identity, skin colour, age, ethnicity etc.
The biggest promotors are also the worse offenders in perpetuating things.

@puff Anyone who shits their diaper full and hangs around other people afterwards "doesn't care".

Tolerance towards people = good.

Tolerance towards hate, racism, fascism, misogyny, homophobia, violence, stupidity, lies, rape = not good.

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