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An interesting if not original insight into some stats. But he is very careful to make a distinction between, secular dictatorships and secular democracy. Which asks the question, is dictatorship truly secular, or does it just attempt to create a state and personality religion ?

Fernapple 9 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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You ask a good question. The dictatorship that is being offered to Americans seems to be one of personality worship, rather than traditional religion, for sure. The wannabee dictator has likely never read the text and tenets of any world religion. Seems it would be a dictatorship ruled by a religion of koolaid as mixed together by the greedy and powerful, again with an imaginary reward that never comes, if the followers do as they are told.

Hopefully we are on a more inclusive path, with religion being a lower, less prominent facet of our government, with democracy and our secular constitution being at the top.


Dictatorship is the use of force to own, control, and gain absolute power. In and of itself is a form of religion as the dictator is worshiped and obeyed as a deity (all powerful).

Thank you for sharing this video. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Aug 1, 2024
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