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I don't like my mother's siblings cause they are greedy for money and they don't deserve to be respected at all they are not my relatives anymore i only my mom sister and my brother

msbutterfly18 5 May 8

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I guess some families are awesome.
So people tell me.
Some just suck. I notice many of younger generations are closer to their friends than to their families.
I can understand why.


Family can be one of the most important things in life. You may not see that now. In 30 years you may not see the things now that appear to be important as important. Sometimes we have family that is bad for us. You have to be very careful about the choices you make now. Just the words of an old man.


Personal question: Do you believe in punctuation?

Whatis punctuation i don't belive in such things they are not necessary at any time at all idontlikespacesbetweenwordseither

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