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Women belong in ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 1

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And women should also decide the right time to retire while someone could be named to replace her role who would carry on her fights, not oppose them.

Much as I highly respect RBG and all she stood for, I do wish she would have given us a more balanced court when the time was right for her to retire and allow that to happen. There is a lesson in that as well. I realize a woman replaced her, at the end of her life, but ACB is pretty much the opposite of RBG.

Term limits, strategic retirement and more fair rules prior to some of the more recent appointments prior to Ketanji Brown Jackson, could have helped us to have a more balanced court now.

I may be wrong...Doesn't the President appoint the replacement of a justice?

@Betty She decided not to retire in 2013 or 2014 when President Barack Obama and a Democratic-controlled Senate could have appointed and confirmed her successor. Instead she died while Trump was president and a republican controlled senate appointed and confirmed Amy Coney Barrett.

@Julie808 Ah! I understand what you are saying. It would have changed the dynamic.


Decisions from whatever source can only be as good as the decision-makers. Women are just as capable as men in making bad decisions (is my guess).




All places? I can think of a few places where there have no business

Tejas Level 8 Aug 1, 2024


@Betty a gay marriage between two men. A vasectomy operating room any men's only club and any other men's only spaces

@Tejas Decisions that will affect women, women should be involved. Women have no desire to invade operating rooms, men's bathrooms, or locker rooms unless they are doctors/nurses, cleaners, or sports reporters. If in the "men's only club" decisions are being made that will affect women then it should not be a "men's only club".

It was nice of you to deliberately misunderstand the meme.

@Betty two gay men raising a little girl, where in that scenario do women belong? The meme wasn't specific. And yes I understand I'm being argumentative, I'm bored.

@Tejas This woman has no problems with gay couples raising children. The Republicans have a problem with that and they are mostly white men and evangelicals.

If you look at the meme, the woman depicted is Ruth Ginsburg, she was a Supreme Court Judge. As a woman, she belonged on the Supreme Court.

@Betty white men had the biggest part to play in every significant civil rights progress in all of us history. You're welcome. If you include the the entire world, white people are in general more progressive than anyone else.

@Tejas Women and people of colour had to fight for the right to vote. Politicians had to take them seriously to keep their position. Up to that point, white men ruled and abused at will. Most white men only jump on the bandwagon when it benefits them.

@Betty your generalizations are absurd. White men ended slavery in many countries gave women poc and LGBT rights, and they did it first.

@Tejas Of course...women had nothing to do with it. We should be so appreciative of white men and their generosity...right...?

@Betty yes you should be. Who voted on said civil rights? White men. Who enforced these laws? White men. You should be very grateful, don't vilify your literal liberators.

@Tejas And your father birthed you too.

@Betty he played a vital role yes

I perform marriages for many types of couples, including gay men. My role in deciding to do so is important, I'd say. All my couples seem to appreciate my support in their decision to get married, whether same sex, inter-racial, inter-faith, etc.

@Tejas Played is the operative word. That was his only contribution to your creation.

@Betty I don't really see your point

@Tejas Unless you are a juvenile needing tutoring, I will not waste my time teaching you about the birds and the bees.

@Betty I'm well aware of how everything works lady. The point you seem to have made was dumb to me. A biological man can only do his part in making a baby, its impossible to do anything else. So unless you know some cis men out there giving birth your argument is retarded.

@Tejas Still bored?

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