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I'm with him.

Don Warrington, who starred in the classic sitcom Rising Damp, has spoken out in defence of the show, which aired from 1974 to 1978, against criticisms of its use of prejudiced language. The show featured a prejudiced landlord and his diverse tenants, including Phillip, played by Warrington.
Warrington argues against editing the show for modern audiences, saying, “No, because the show’s intentions were good. Sometimes you have to be generous in that way to understand how things were and that people were often naïve in what they did."
Warrington emphasised that "Rising Damp" was never cynical and praised the high standard of acting involved. He also highlighted the positive impact of his character’s portrayal: “Many black viewers tell me their parents would call them to watch because it showed a black man on TV who wasn’t being demeaned or abused.”

Ryo1 8 Aug 2

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"Kingswood Country" in Australia, sitcom same time.. Yes Ted Bullpit wasn't politically correct, but even back in the day people saw he was a caricature of suburban redneck types. It's life

puff Level 8 Aug 3, 2024
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