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Photos of Thai people and of me, while in Thailand.

1.Me, watching Thai students swim in stream during a school field trip, near Nakhon

2.cute Thai students in school near Songkhla

3.vendors selling bags of chilled coconut milk, Songkhla

4.roasted egg and snack vendor with baskets on carrying pole, burning charcoal keeping the eggs warm, Samila Beach, Songkhla at a Buddhist temple, Nakhon

birdingnut 8 May 8

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Hi Birdingnut, nice pictures. do you ever miss being at home ? I would like to visit Thailand,
the folk look very happy. A great place to give my camera a treat.

Yes, it's paradise, and a photographer's dream.

I would probably never leave voluntarily, but I'm now too old to get a work permit, and have health issues, so plan to move to Lexington, KY, near my daughter.

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