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Philippines calls for investigation into mRNA genocide - FUCKtheJAB
Philippines calls for investigation into 'mRNA genocide' after millions of vaccine deaths - They accuse the mainstream media and Big Pharma of covering up the extent of the global medical crisis.

• The Philippine government has reviewed the Covid vaccine rollout and reached a clear conclusion: birth rates have dropped dramatically and the experimental mRNA injections have destroyed the immune system, opening a Pandora's box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer and infections.

• The Philippines issues a stark warning to Westerners: Do not listen to Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the mainstream media, as they have embarked on a eugenics and depopulation operation and must be held accountable for millions of vaccine deaths.


1patriot 8 Aug 4

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The pandemic was so deadly, the US military had a propaganda campaign in the Philippines discouraging people to take the Chinese sinovac shot but to take Pitzer instead. All admitted and "apologised" for.

puff Level 8 Aug 4, 2024

Yea the US military ain't nobodies friend they been weaponized to kill not just their own people but all people....

@1patriot They lost 8000 of their best, those able to think for themselves.

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