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For those who left religion...

Most of you didn't choose your religion ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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My mother and I were attracted to catholic church violent puppet shows. They made me laugh so LOLhard. And then the priest came on and told a story about a group of children who were laughing at the bald head of the bald headed priest . Then the priest begged and prayed for the children to be slaughtered. Then God sent down a brown bear and shredded all the kids to death. Then I couldn't stop laughing, Then the church catholic priest kicked me out and banned me from the church..

Not ever regretted it and been laughing at religion ever since. They a got a million of them.


The indoctrination on me was very subtle not forceful. Only grandparents dragged me to church when I stayed there and I hated it so it wasn't that. It was all the references to "god" I came across in society eg funerals and weddings, swear on a bible in a court of law, politicians referring to "it", sportspeople etc so my immature/ pliable mind just assumed it was a thing as the idea of a "god" was constantly being re-enforced by society at large. This is still indoctrination using repetative messaging.

I struggled many years, too many, about what form this "god" was and thought it most likely bullshit, just having 0.00001% of doubt ie Agnostic. Then one day pondering my "what if's?" I thought "What if societies are wrong, no god, and it just got passed on through culture and tradition. What if society is caught up in an belief loop, so old now considered fact, and there is no god at all? Never was?"
Then I thought if so, then religion's have retarded all human societies (restricting free movement) with false beliefs and have been doing so throughout human history. The irony of all humans that have lived, lived in retarded societies cracked me up, a physical fit of laughter, and I've been much happier ever since. Hello Atheism.
Aliens will think this is planet retard as many retard the free movements of their minds with religion.

puff Level 8 Aug 5, 2024

For me, I wasn't forcefully indoctinated, just expected to go along with the religion of my family, but lucky for me, I was able to leave peacefully.

My dad's family was quite religious - his mother, my grandmother, attended church EVERY DAY.

My mom's family, on the other hand, were not religious, but my mother (an only child) was sent to Catholic boarding school, as an alternative to living above the tavern my grandparents ran. (Where she sold girly magazines and cigars to the men - and they played racy records as entertainment.)

My mom converted to catholicism in order to marry my dad, but her mother, my grandmother, remained an atheist her whole life. What struck me is that my atheist grandmother had a bible on her end table, every day, yet my Catholic grandmother who attended church daily didn't even own a bible, at least that I ever saw. I thought that was curious.

So, as an adult, I read the bible to help my then soon-to-be husband pass a religion class test for his master's degree, and after that, confirmed myself to be atheist.

I had dropped out of catechism in 2nd grade, after which I was not forced to go to church or catechism any more. I was the only drop out in my family, while my siblings continued on in their catholic indoctrination. My mother never give me any flak about it -- but some of my siblings obviously were jealous of my freedom and have turned hateful in recent years.

I would argue that I, with my freedom from religion, am far happier than my religious siblings, and perhaps more ethical, empathetic, and reasonable as well.


That is usually the way it works

Unity Level 8 Aug 4, 2024

I was indoctrinated as a teen and then it went to extremes.

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