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I stated on social media the other day that there’s no such thing as a billionaire christian. Someone was quick to suggest that God gave Oompah Loompah his riches for a purpose!?
Must be that purpose is to spend his days golfing and shitting on a gold toilet….🤠

Aaron70 8 Aug 7

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For the believers in a god they also need to believe in Satan. Perhaps this is an example where Satan tempts Jesus and, in return, will give him all the riches and power of everything around him. In the old days riches and power were associated with evil. Of course we all know religion is really about power and wealth.


Oprah remembers where she started and she does give a lot of money away. Unlike those who inherited their most of their wealth. People such as Trump.

There are a (very) few wealthy persons who actually do wish to use their wealth to make a better society and not just make things better for themselves personally. It is easier for them if they aren't celebrities like Oprah, because when your name is known as a "do gooder", you have to hire a staff just to handle all the requests andto sort through and find genuine worthy causes.

They should just give me their $$$$$ so they can go to heaven!? I’ll take one for the team?! 😇

There are wealthy that do want to use a portion of their wealth to help support the society in which they live. Bill and Melinda Gates and even Paul Allen are two from my area. Often many of these magnanimous wealthy people are on the sidelines. One big beneficiary of the B & M Gates was family planning and as this upset the religious bunch they kept it a secret. I was the Records Manager for the firm that handled the B & M Gates group and I got to see where a lot of their funding went to. Also, all of Paul Allen's projects (and personal accounts) were with my firm. He even built an estate on this island.


Trump isn't a Christian. He's a fake Christian. And the Orange Messiah got more than $400 million from his parents. Even a lying, cheating, tax evading conman could turn $400 million into $4 billion.

Also, Kenneth Copeland is worth about $780 million dollars. Maybe that's not a billion but its close enough that its hard to tell the difference.


The way this SOB acts he most likely would be showing others his gold toilet just to prove to them that he had one. God gave him nothing. He stole his money rather un-fairly over the years.


I wonder if the pustule claims any donations to any cause? (Oh, silly me!)

That’s the best part, he’s never given a penny to any charity to date that I know of…..👀

@Aaron70 The only association with any "charity" that Trump has ever had to my knowledge was the fake charity he set up where the money was used mostly just to enrich himself and his family.

@snytiger6 Right! Tim Walz called him on that...and so would all of us! If he ever does attend a church service, I'll bet he asks someone else to put a dollar in the collection plate in his stead!

@snytiger6 I forgot about that grift! So he is into charities!! 😇🙏😇

Of course....I should've asked how much he claims on his taxes....

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