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This is not a political post, but is about how important geography, map making and using those skills and the data is important in connecting us all and using the maps as a tool to show us how we can make things better.

Last month, I had never heard of Tim Walz. This week, he's about the most famous person in the country, as possibly the next Vice President of the United States.

I'm lucky to have several smart friends here on Kaua'i and one of them is involved in Geographical Information Systems. He attended a seminar last month put on by Esri, a company that puts all that data together in usable forms. One of the guest speakers was a guy named Tim Walz. My friend shared a video of his presentation, which really shows how passionate he is about using geographical information to make good decisions.

This video might be a bit long for some folks, but I found it fascinating to know such technology exists and that there is so many uses and such enthusiasm around it. I can also understand a bit better why my friend does what he does!


Julie808 8 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Who you are can depend on where you live but, with some, like myself, it can also depend on what you have experienced. Combine the two, places and experiences, some endemic to the particular places, and one often becomes a unique animal.

Watching the talk showed a highly intelligent, experienced and caring person. The fact he has lived in different places including outside his country of origin is critical.

One thing I learned from a friend, who took some courses with Toastmasters international, was to watch how many pauses one takes using ahs, or I means or basically hesitations. It’s called the ah-counter.

I listen to politicians to see how well they speak and not only convey a message but how they convey said message. A lot of ahs shows a lack of assurance they have in a subject and no one, of sane mind, can say tRump or many of his enablers are really knowledgeable of any subject outside of their own, ill-conceived and self-enhancing area. Listen to Kamala and Walz and any Republican and one can clearly see who is most sincere and aware of the real world.

Started to watch but will wait for later. I am a firm believer in the power of geography to shape a society. We here in the upper NW have a beautiful nature that many want to preserve and protect. We support more liberal ideas and being a part of nature rather than apart from it. Look at many of the conservative states and often these people want to escape from nature as it has become oppressive (often through their own fault).Look at the ultra conservatives and wealthy (Musk is a prime example) and it's not a recognition of nature as the source of our economic base but is something to be controlled to match our wants. The first thing they do is a total (and outrageously stupid) denial of climate change and the huge los of non-human species. They often use science to build up their empires but ignore it when it says we are headed for a major crash.


Thanks for sharing!


It well worth the time to watch.
He shows some real intelligence.

I agree


This is a very informative, and inspiring clip.
The man is well spoken, and is great at descriptively elucidating his message.
It makes me look forward to hearing more from him.
Thank you for sharing this

Unity Level 8 Aug 8, 2024
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