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Promises, promises

TheoryNumber3 8 Aug 9

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Ain't misandry grand?

I would make a lousy husband. I don't want to do those things either


We know that.

Ironically, I have lived alone for about 17 years and have dealt with all the bad men and dragons who came my way. Guess women don't really need men.

People should be with someone they WANT to, not NEED to be with.

@TheoryNumber3 I agree, but I haven't found anyone I want to be with either.

However, I find that men very often stress the "need" factor. When I was on dating sites, men would often say to me, "If we were married, you wouldn't need to work," or, "If we were married, you wouldn't have to mow the lawn."

Also, historically speaking, women needed men for a variety of reasons. One was because while lower class women always worked, upper class women did not. With the rise of the middle class, the ideal situation was for women not to work. Of course, there were exceptions. A woman gained her social status from her father and then, her husband. Women who did not marry, even by choice, were derided. Men who did not marry were just "confirmed bachelors" without the stigma.

@Gwen_Wanderer You're spot on. Back in the days of Ozzie and Harriet, marriages were mutual dependencies. The wife depended on the husband for financial support, and he depended on her to keep the home clean and raise the children.

We're not so dependent on each other anymore, since most married women now also work, and it's a whole new dynamic of sharing responsibilitieis across the board.

We may not need them but jees...they are fun to play with. 😉

@TheoryNumber3 exactly! My mother never worked but she would have IF she had ever learned to drive. However, she had an 8th grade education and her options would have been limited had there been any at all.

@Betty not anymore--and not because I am almost 72. Men in their, ahem, declining years have issues when it comes to fun.

@Gwen_Wanderer They make a pill for that. 😉

@Gwen_Wanderer It was just a light hearted joke. Let's not seque into a male bashing thread. I'm sure they have a few words to say about us 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 I am an equal opportunity basher if the need arises. I have spent years studying how women were treated and viewed as second class citizens. Regardless of the nastiness of some women, women have still been received the brunt of abuse both physically and verbally. They are still stereotyped as illogical and a plethora of other negative issues. At almost 72, I have subjected to just about every stereotype and type of abuse. I know that the post is a joke, but it still indirectly perpetuates the stereotypes.

@Betty I KNOW!

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