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Now my drunken neighbor has told me that Fentanyl is a horse wormer. I questioned that and he slurred his words and told me again . A horse wormer. I told him it was time for him to go home.

DenoPenno 9 Aug 11

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He came over again tonight with beer in hand. Says he has sent some money to that daughter and over all was a much better person. At least he was not blind drunk.


He is most likely thinking of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin which has been used for parasites. He sounds like he may be in the Trump cult. Trump stupidly pushed these drugs as "remedies" for Covid-19.


This is true. He says his daughter is now in a Federal prison because of Fentanyl and she told him this. I guess I am not surprised. His whole family supports Trump.

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