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When a man creates a god ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 11

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Most asked custom sculpture out there. Is to do a sculpture of Jesus. They claim they have witnessed Jesus.

Although when I ask, was Jesus black, brown or white? Or what color of eyes dose he have?

Of course I loose the contract, when the devil is in the details.


Yes, and outside of sex god always watches you when you go to the bathroom. Some dogs and cats do that too.

Don't like the thought that Jesus is at my bedside, when making love to myself.

A lot of cats think they are gods...

@snytiger6 and most owners worship their cats and dogs as such.

@jlynn37 I think more people think of their pets as being more like children than gods...

However, I will indulge my cat and let him think he is like a god.

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