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For anyone interested, I created a new group for Harris/Walz fans. Find it here: [] This site has had so little attention from Admin that not everything is getting updated as it should be. We are excited about the upcoming election in the USA and hopeful for the future after so many years of the orange menace.

HippieChick58 9 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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The question is going to come up about why the US is sending $ billions to the genocidal regime of Benny where 40 thousand Palestinians have been murdered. These billions support murder, while there are people working at two or three jobs to "exist". Existing is not "living", where there is not a few seconds for pleasure.
Of course Harris and Walz are the only choice to take 'the world' out of Dump's insanity and determined dictatorship. One of his first choices would be to stop funding Ukraine.

...there is no right on either side.


Hm-mm, without some of Trump’s fascism and another revolution, the American experiment with democracy will remain the oligarchy it became in 1787.

Norway and about 25 other nations are doing democracy better.

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