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There is no intelligent life anywhere but Earth in all of infinity. God lives in the clouds as an old man you must pray to for attention and love. Down below is hell, where you’ll burn for all eternity if you’re a “bad girl” or “bad guy”—much like how Santa Claus won’t bring you presents if you’re on the naughty list. Everything has a price, and the God in the clouds demands it. Everywhere you look, there’s healthy food and people not spending their hard-earned money on poison and healthcare. Why not relax, watch some television, and let others tell you what and how to think? No one is covering anything up, and everyone has your best interests at heart. All systems in place are for your benefit. Jesus will save you and perhaps already has. Oh, and voting for president will solve all the world’s problems—especially yours. Best wishes and enjoy life!

Drank_Spear 7 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, that's good to know. Thanks.


Here is all I know about it. "We The People" means all of us and not just a select few. This is the best interest that I am for. In case you missed it, yes this is political.

You would know much more if you simply let go of what you know and be open to the vastness of everything. Everyone is perfectly capable of that. Most don't for various reasons. The only thing that holds any of us back is ourselves.

@Drank_Spear I am not held back, I have limited myself. You do not know me and I will not discuss what I just told you.


Sounds like the Trump cult mantra.

your mouth only mirrors what is in your mind. You may want to get Trumps cock out of your ass.

These are cults, the Trump cult, Biden cult,, and the Zionist cult. People do better in balanced life, when serving themselves first, rather than serving these centroism cults of evil. :We the people: first rather than :We the Government:

@Drank_Spear So you must think about Trump's cock often.


This is all too gay for me.

You are in the political cult. You're no different than people in religious cults. Your charismatic leader is Joe biden

@Communistbitch Whenever evidence is against you and all you can rely on is belief, that proves you are in a cult. Joe Biden is not running for president, you are channeling your cult leader Trump who is obsessed with Biden running again.

@nogod4me your leader said kamala

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