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Given that it will make 2 defeats or 4 if you count midterms?

If/when Harris wins (which she is odds on to) Will the Republican party purge themselves of MAGA?

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273kelvin 8 Aug 13

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Trumpism will remain in the Repub Party, as long as there are opportunistic demagogues in it to exploit it, even if Trump himself is gone. There are plenty of other con men in the party to succeed him.

You might be right but nobody likes losing all the time. I have examined this in a previous post and compared it to the UK Labour Party in the 80s. In that case, a far-left faction took over the party. That caused many prominent members to form their own break-away party and eventually Labour purged itself of its militant wing but not until several electoral defeats.
The Republican Party already has its own disaffected section in the Lincoln Project. I can only see them gaining ground should the GOP lose once more.


An easy assumption that Harris wins, I am not so sure although the odds of she winning have improved since Biden was running. It is likely that we'll have Hillary 2.0. I know it will hurt our feelings but consider the possibility.

This is the market, if you know somewhere you can better odds then go for it and make some money on the difference.
Besides, I did say if/when so we are talking about Schrödinger's cat. Let us assume the best and reply accordingly.

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