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I am not sure that the Orange One lies, per se, but is "merely" unaware and makes stabs in the dark about current situations. Either way, he is not fit to be president of anything.


Gwen_Wanderer 7 Aug 13

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Much the same as Kamala


He speaks but is he lying? Does he just answer whatever comes to his mind. He exaggerates. Does he know that he does or did Fox News tell him? Does Fox News teach him everything? He does not want to read or learn but like his base support he is happy to be told by TV what he knows. He hates criticism so he probably never watches MSNBC, not watches Harris or Biden speeches. He hates being told what to think. In many ways he is a child and bluffing and making things up is his way of dealing with the world that often seems out to get him. I do not think he lies but is almost incapable of knowing what really is truth.


I do not think, that the two are mutually exclusive.

And that could well be so.


Some minimal research will prove his blatent lies. Or you could believe the Washington Post who counted 30,573 lies over his 4 yr term. His latest? That his crowd on Jan 6 was bigger than MLK Jr.'s "I have a dream speech. Check out the pictures of both, not even close. Also, he knows that no matter what he says his idiot cult members eat it up, so lying isn't important.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 14, 2024

Trump is psycho, lacks empathy. Understand that and it's easier to work him out. Not all psycho's are axe wielding maniacs.
If you lack empathy you will exhibit certain traits. You are severely emotionally handicapped so don't tie memories to your own emotion, let alone others emotions eg Jan 6th. This means memories are clear time and place but little else. Memory is shit, but so is foreseeing the future. You know logically where it is going but us humans often do not act logically, we act emotionally.
As such, they live in the moment and are very good at it. Charismatic and spontaneous, not a care in the world except themselves. Don't care what others think is not true, they are unaware others think aka zero empathy. They are vain though, so put on a show but it is more for themselves advancing rather than please others.
The thing with bad memory without emotion, you don't hold grudges. Trump would partner with Hillary if it advantaged him. Where most of us have met some we would not give the time of day to ever again, this would not concern Trump if advantageous now, in the moment. He would be/ is super pragmatic in that way, pisses off the GOP too. Uncontrollable and somewhat unpredictable.
That's what I see in Trump, not my favourite character traits in a person nor leader but what it is. I still think this admin has been so bad it will be voted out. But given his status and lifestyle, I have a little hope that Trump's vanity is his legacy, place in history ie written down so people with shit memories like him can read about it (psycho's are very aware of formal history as it is memory that is written down ie you don't have to remember it. He does, in his own psycho way, want the best for America because he is vain.
If Trump does get back in and I think he will, it won't be so much because of his brilliance, but because his opposition is lacking.

NB Love the fact check on nuke war/ climate change. Crap on about climatic change (pollution and habitat degradation more pressing) but don't mention nuclear war??? ATM forces have entered Russia using US technology, equipment and some reports say NATO personnel including US. This is something the Commander in Chief needs to sign off on ie invasion of another, nuclear nation. Does Biden comprehend what he approves? Be nice if the "fact checker" said something about that.

puff Level 8 Aug 13, 2024

For a few years I have been convinced that Trump has no real knowledge of facts. It was widely reported that when president he had almost no interest in reading reports and advice given to him. His own inner circle essentially had to ensure that Trump;s maddest ideas never saw the light of day. My memory of Trump as president was that he was always playing golf.
Like his gullible supporters, Trump has garnered various false facts which he regurgitates and otherwise when asked anything he either rambles on about some wild idea or he just makes up an answer, because his only knowledge is too limited and anyway his supporters do not care what he answers as they have no real interest. They just want to be richer and have no idea that that is the last thing he offers them. As for the Christian right, Trump will only pander to them if it serves Trump.


He lies. He knows when he is making something up. He promotes as the truth and that makes it a lie.

Betty Level 8 Aug 13, 2024
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