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The site is back to moving slower than molasses for me, when I am able to get on here. Same with getting the site to load, takes forever, when it does actually succeed in loading, instead of timing out. Anybody else experiencing this? My guess is the site is not being maintained anymore, not nearly like it used to be, so its days are probably over soon.

TomMcGiverin 8 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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For about the last 10 days the issues you describe have been a problem. The odd thing is it dos not start being a problem right away. I get logged in, check out posts, respond to some, ya know the usual moving around the site and then suddenly it grinds to a halt and I get the timed out message.
I do hope whoever set the site up has a care and doesn't let it go completely dark.

We'll see, but I'm not that hopeful, as the last week or so hasn't been encouraging. Last night and earlier today, the site was not accessible, wouldn't load and would time out instead.

@TomMcGiverin Someone had a similar post about the site issues, so it's not just you. Maybe if we pray? hahahahahahaha

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