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Today my bank's fraud squad called me about 6 PM. They have been a real help before with fraudulent transactions. I was asked a few dumb questions wanting a keyboard response. I just waited for the real person. The first thing she wanted was my name. Think a minute. The fraud squad calls you and they do not know your name. This is NOT your bank's fraud squad. Hang up and keep your money!

DenoPenno 9 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Wise move. I have a friend who susses them out fairly quickly and then has fun with them!


I still think the way I posted this is correct but I called my bank this morning just to laughingly pass it on. They told me it was the fraud squad after all and that several purchases from China based Aliexpress had been caught and declined. Looks like I'm going to my bank to get a new card again now.

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