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Diary from an alternate timeline, circa '69, an excerpt

A tour, a fuckin' tour. Why? To pay for studio time, hee hee hee, why else? Even though we could buy the studio on what we earn before breakfast. That and the paint job on the Rolls. Well, Mick did say you can hear yourself now. Marshal those Marshall stacks, and mighty forces will come to your aid. I'll call the Stones' sound people. And Cyn bores my son-of-a-Liverpudlian-sailor arse off. Some sin with an S, that's what I need. So to sea, me hearties, to sea, to sea in a sailor sieve, he said Learily. All together now--
You know she bores me, and I'm needin' some sin.
I said she's boring, and I neeeed some sin.
I'm gonna play my axe so crazy
Til I shove that throbber in.

Okay, it needs a little work. One might need to call in Sir Paulie MacWanker, MBE, Prince of Blue and White Whales, for the middle eight or ten. But if heavy blues is the thing now, so be it. So sayeth my better angels, or is that bitter angels, no matter, Beatleblues will rule the charts, or a B-side at the very least.

AlanCliffe 6 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Tom Jones did not come from whales. He had normal parents like everyone else.

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