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Israel destroys one of the last Palestinian Christian settlements.

I will be interested to see if it is reported in the American press particularly in the so called Christian states.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 17

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Which States are our are "so called Christin States"?

I wouldn't have a clue because I don't mention "Christin"! But thank you for introducing me to this new epithet & its meaning -
Are you snorting cocaine again?

@FrayedBear Your ultra stupid reply shows you once again posted something that, at best, came out of your butt. Resorting to is typo to avoid an answer is par for the course or you.

Now perhaps you can name those "Christian" States you refer to.

Let's see your wiggle now.

@Alienbeing future projecting alien? - start wriggling:

@Alienbeing []

@FrayedBear The article you cited refers to States having the highest percent of people who identify as Christian which in no way makes them Christian States. Thank you for proving you are a bullshit artist.

If you knew what you were talking about (I doubt that will ever happen) you would know that the most prevalent religion in th U.S. is "None".

@Alienbeing please enlighten me as to which states form the so called "bible belt" of America.

@Alienbeing the reference also resulted from asking Google what are the US christian states.

@FrayedBear I knew you utilize commercial articles favorable to your bullshit, so citing another is a lost cause. You don't have a clue.

@FrayedBear The term "Bible Belt" is an old term used in the same manner as the term "Redneck". Both are derogatory terms coined by Northern elites that are used in a general manner to make them feel good about themselves.

Living in a desolate part of Earth you wouldn't know that.

Rant on, your ignorance is amusing.

@Alienbeing the joke is on you Alienbeing: but for your country's desire for world wide hegemony & spreading of your trash concepts worldwide I would never have known about christian belts or states. As you you say I'm "Living in a desolate part of Earth you wouldn't know that." My ignorance merely exposes your countries failure & inadequacy.

@FrayedBear There was no joke cited so one might wonder what you refer to, however knowing your mind is confused at best, I don't wonder.

Last, your ignorance only exposes your ignorance, and since you do not have, nor ever did have any relationship to the US. that ignorance cannot be attributed to anything from the U.S.

@Alienbeing "your ignorance only exposes your ignorance, and since you do not have, nor ever did have any relationship to the US. that ignorance cannot be attributed to anything from the U.S." - proves like the frequent inadequacy of your posts\replies that you areunable to communicate your lies adequately in order to disseminate your propaganda.

@FrayedBear Try posting something readable.


Evangelicals know that real christians don't live in the middle east

You are saying that evangelicals are not real Christians?




Nope there are christians in the Middle East.

And they're flourishing more than the atheists & agnostics.

@FrayedBear noo - ot at all. Its just that middle eastern Christians are usually brown vs the US evangelical pure white

@bookofmorons may I suggest that an awful lot of the evangelical white christians try to obtain suntans.


Maybe not going to happen. Most Christians believe their religion came to them through Israel and the the Jews are still god's chosen people. Many are so gullible that they believe Israel also holds their same Christian beliefs. After all, you can find the tomb of Jesus and various birthplace items, etc. if you visit the "holy land." These are all about money and not the Christian belief in their god. The gullible are not going to be changed here. It was god that allowed Israel to become a state in 1948. The big problem here is that the way things are carved up there nothing left for Palestine.

You are right there. When Blinken was in Israel, it was announced that (nearly 5 sq miles) of land to be used for Israeli settlements. And the world is saying nothing just selling them more weapons.

@Jolanta The selling of armaments is right up there with drug dealing as top money makers. Unfortunately America is big into armaments and has been since Veit Nam.

@DenoPenno and long before Vietnam.

Prior to the formation of Israel "Palestine" was merely an area, never a country. With that in mind what does "nothing left for Palestine" mean?

@Alienbeing dipshit

@Communistbitch Your name says it all. Why anyone would want to advertise they follow a failed economic philosophy and at the same time advertise they have a bitchy demeanor is a mystery, but you do.

No one cares what you say or do.

@Alienbeing dipshit


I was wondering your name.also?

@Castlepaloma parody. Like, showing these fools why communism isn't their savior financially, health wise etc. It's just a replacement jesus

@Communistbitch I see your vocabulary is limited. I'm not surprised.

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