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About 12% of Isreal are orthodox jews.
The Supreme Court ruling on June 25 said the Israeli government must enlist draft-age ultra-Orthodox (or Haredi) Jews into the military, reversing a de facto exemption in place since the country's founding 76 years ago.

Now what do 2 million Isrealis Palestinians and Christians do? Who are not required for military service . Why not? is it they need isreal Palestinians to build 90% of their construction on Zionist houses? Then afterwards, US Christian 250 billiion is handy for Zionist agenda. Do they get rid of Isreal Christian and Palestinians?. The only country that kind of agrees with all this is the predominant Christian US. The coin pharse was from the river to the sea was Isrealis first aim in 1948.
Can they be more two face, bigoted and racist?
This shows how insane religious can be, hopefully they will wipe out each other . I'm for democide if they are that stupid.

Castlepaloma 8 Aug 18

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From the river to the Sea.
According to the American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel." The Israeli-American historian Omer Bartov notes that Zionist usage of such language predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and began with the Revisionist movement ...

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