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I firmly believe that our lives, as human beings, have no inherent meaning. What meanings our lives do have or acquire is determined solely by what we do and say, and by the consequences of those actions of us. With that in mind, I urge each of us to consciously try to make our lives matter by trying to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

We do that by (1) treating all others with full dignity and respect, (2) acting to maintain a physical and emotional environment which can sustain us and enable each of us to try to reach our maximum, and (3) personally trying to add meaning and capacity to the lives of others. With that in mind I urge every one of us to try to live in such as manner as to help others to grow.

We will have disagreements in opinion, but we should express our differences in opinion without ridiculing or attaching the person expressing differences. We will see behaviors in people which we believe try to diminish. Belittle, or damage others. In those cases, we have both the right and the obligation to strongly criticize he destructive behaviors. But we must remember that it is the behaviors that we condemn, not the person.

wordywalt 9 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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99.9% true.
Until it comes to crimes against humanity, the targeting of civilian populations using the full force of a state military. Then the behaviour is the person.
The golden rule is there are always exceptions to the golden rule 😉

puff Level 8 Aug 18, 2024

I look forward to @wordywalt living up to his moral code.

@FrayedBear I have usually shown profoiund risrespectfor whatyou say, not for who you are.Most of whatyousayis simply offensive and untrue.

@wordywalt Walt if you fail to denounce genocide or the arming of genocidal psychopaths by your government in Israel & Ukraine I'm not going to respect you for your lack of moral rigour. Your silence doesn't make you a patriot it makes you complicit in crimes against humanity & particularly the crime of genocide.

@FrayedBear I havealways opposed Israeli mil.itary tactics in Gaza. Get that straight., for a damned change.

@wordywalt thank you Walt for that statement.

Now please explain why you do not say the same regarding the Ukrainian genocide of Russians?

@FrayedBear Siumple. Russia's 7unporovoked, impericaltis attack is the sole cause of that conflict.

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