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This is why Trump calls Kamala "Comrade Kamala", he is trying to project on to her his treasonous actions and his loyalty to Putin.

nogod4me 8 Aug 20

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Projecting your own faults, is perhaps the most common of all human failings. Always believe that the one who calls everyone else dishonest, for example, is the least committed to truth of everyone present. William Shakespeare, put it very neatly in the well known quote. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

And how could we not forget the repeated Christian apologists view on atheists. "You don't want to believe in god, because you just want to sin." For if it is only fear of god which stops me sinning, then that must be true of everyone else. Which is what gets to the bottom of it, which is that people of limited vision, and especially people who choose to adopt limited vision out of laziness, greed, or fear. Can never see the world from any other view point, but must always see it though their own coloured lens, for to see it any other way would need them step outside their own self imposed limits.

If my motivations are criminal, and I have no understanding of the value of honesty, then that must be true of everyone.

Well said. 🙂

I suspect truth has always been a thorn in Trump's side.

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