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Why shnould I allow that same god to ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 21

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The other story was God told a father, to kill his only son,to prove his faith to God.

I'd kill God, before I would kill my son.


Good point.


Stoopid. It's a metaphor. It never happened, idiot

To many Christians, these stories are universal truth.

@Castlepaloma but atheists thinking its meant to be taken literally are stoopid too

@Castlepaloma baptism is symbolic of cleaning past mistakes or sins as in the story of the prostitute who broke the law and was to get the death penalty by being stoned to death until Jesus saved her life


Today woman, just get stoned first in a bar and then whores around.

@Castlepaloma laws change according to the shit they make up at the time

I don't believe the story. I have said many times on this site that I think the stories in the bible are mostly just recycled and reworked myths from earlier religions and cultures... I have also post a video a few times about how the flood story in the bible is NOT the original version, just the latest ...

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