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Why do people like to use the ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 21

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But...but....but....who else would they have blamed for ORIGINAL SIN if not for poor Eve?

Well... there was the story of Lilith, who got edited out of the early bible... Lilith preceded Eve as the first woman, but she was disobedient and was cast out. Her story is seldom told and denied by leaders of churches today.

@snytiger6 Yet ANOTHER naughty woman. Sheesh.

@pamagain What? You think men, in a patriarchal culture, night take responsibility for anything?

@snytiger6 Sure! They'll take responsibility for their children's brave, bold conquests. They'll take responsibility for creating a war. Hmmmmm....I don't remember any of them bragging about the discovery of female orgasm.

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