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Broken Britain; the police are trying to rebuild public trust but still failing too many victims, says HM Chief Inspector: []

The University of Glasgow has contributed to research that finds only 40% of people in England trust their police force (as of July 2024)

And here is why according to a former Met undercover detective (It's interesting to listen to his insightful views):
The Police Have Turned Their Back On The People

A friend of mine is a police officer who's quit recently, and it is ironic that he says that he doesn't trust the institution he used to be part of.

What are the trust levels in the police like in your countries?

Ryo1 8 Aug 21

Enjoy being online again!

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A very important point was raised in the discussion - that of academia. Academia has given us the concept that violence should not be used in upbraiding young children. I suggest however that far more youngsters were turned from antisocial behaviour through the timely clip round the ear by the local bobby on the beat than were turned into hardened criminals. At school we quickly learnt that there was always someone stronger, bigger or cleverer than ourselves. Nowadays as Bleksley stated regarding his sons schooling & higher education is teaching that everyone irrespective of knowledge is right but when shove comes to push it is only the loudest & flavour of the day that is listened to.

Today professionalism & morality have been eschewed in favour of the mighty $ or in your case £ or €. After nearly 60 years of safe dring ie. never causing or being in a major trauma causing vehicular road accident I have in the last two years had 2 prosecutions. In the first I scraped a 10" scratch on an unoccupied parked car panel whilst parking in a privately owned shop car park. It was 3 days before I reported the incident to the police. 3 days later I received a 30 + page summons to appear in the local magistrate's court. About 6 months later the case was heard. Fortunately because of COVID 19 I was able to attend by phone. The first 2 lines of the summons presented to me & put before the magistrate contained police perjury in that they stated by ticking the "yes" box to the question "has this person previous convictions". 20 pages into the bundle of papers there was a statement from the Victorian state manager of police records saying that I had no prior convictions. When I pointed out the perjury to the magistrate his response was that it wasn't perjury just administrative mistake. Furthermore within the bundle of papers was a statement also under oath from the desk sergeant who I reported the matter to stating that I had infact reported the incident to the police. The magistrates decision was that if I pleaded guilty to failing to report the matter the magistrate in view of my long exemplary driving record let me off without a fine. - Victorian justice? This was the third case that I experienced police perjury against me.

Then only a few months ago after turning right I allowed the left wheels of my car to drift over the left hand road line marking with the possible intention of parking the vehicle in the dirt on the road side. On ascertaining that there was no need to stop, I checked my mirror to find that a police paddy wagon had aggressively driven up behind me. As he didn't have blue & whites flashing or siren on I used my still flashing right indicator to pull back fully into the single lane. At the time there was no oncoming traffic nor eere there any pedestrians in the viewable vicinity. The police followed me down the road & it wasn't until I turned into my street they put the flashing lights on, by which time I eas parked in my drive. I asked the newly qualified constable who my driving endangered & why had they aggressively driven up my car's backside having been at least 80 meters away when I turned. The constable's response was "I don't like your tone of voice & told me that I would be getting a $192 fine. Curiously the offence does not carry demerit points, an accumulation resulting in automatic driving disqualification. I appealed the fine which was reviewed by a supposedly senior polce sergeant pointing out the lack of endangerment & quoting the relevant section of the traffic act that allowed me to park by crossing the left hand line marking. The reviewer turned down the appeal. In the end I decided that my body could not stand the stress & waste of time appearing in court to fight the matter & so I paid the fine.

On the previously mentioned 2 cases of police perjury I was subjected to 2 years of a court case where the magistrates would not allow me to state my side of the events apart from proving one of the police perjuries. Instead of dismissing the case the magistrate imposed restraining orders on me, the police then ordered that my rights under the human rights act be breached & the case dragged on for 2 years. A barrister was imported to try & intimidate me but as I pointed out, & prove, further police perjury had occurred, to say nothing of perjury by my accuser & so the police dropped the case provided that I pleaded guilty to contempt of court . . . supposed contempt for having written on the internet an untraceable account (ie. No names, locations or correct identifying occupation) of what actually had occurred.
My accuser had immediately retracted the initial accusatory affidavit substituting another stating that what I had written "was as if out of the accuser's own mouth". The police however did not tell me of this new affidavit for six months. The barrister employed by the court refused to read the 1½" file on the case instead springing on me the dropping of the case if I pleaded guilty to contempt of court.
Was anyone charged with perjury - no
Was anyone charged with stalking me on the internet - no
Was anyone made to resign for not controlling the madwoman - yes
Have my human rights been restored - no
Do I have any forms of redress other than complaining to the human rights court in Geneva - seemingly no
Has my life been completely changed by this encounter with a mad Lutheran & the local corrupt police & magistrates - yes

Am I a victim of crime?

Interestingly after the case had ended an ex police officer made the comment to an acquaintance that "they couldn't get over my strength of character as they had long since expected me to suicide driven there by the court & police corruption.
A doctor of psychology that my doctor sent me to told me that I was being gaslighted.

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