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Healthy citizens ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 22

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So said a man renowned for his toxicity to the well being of the human race.

Healthy citizens to Churchill simply meant more canon fodder.

@FrayedBear The timing of the quote may be significant. After WWII in Europe was over, England implemented their national health services to cover and take care of all the medical needs of all their citizens. I believe they were the first industrialized country to do so.

@snytiger6 within the constraints of its eugenic doctrines the German 3rd Reich preceded the English National Health Service. Because of those doctrines only the pure, the Aryans were eligible under the variety of national programmes.


@FrayedBear If true, that is sad. On the other hand, it probably wasn't too hard to improve on and do better than the Nazi based health care system.

@snytiger6 seemingly the USA took great interest but did nothing because of the unbelievable stupidity of being against the concept of non profit being more effective than for profit systems. This is now proven in the UK through the National Health Service having been effectively destroyed through right wing governments mortgaging the the service to money lenders rather than equitably sharing the non profit cost amongst taxpayers - immediate cost pain to taxpayers compared to the excruciating enslavement & service destruction through mortgaging for short term political gain at long term citizen enslavement & reduction of health provision efficacy!

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