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How sad it must be believing ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 22

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I should have said this to that man talking to me in a store parking lot today.


Says a lot for a large portion of our citizenry. It seems few, if any of these illiterati have even read the 2025 project or even know of its existence. Lets see how they feel about losing their social security and health care to name only a few of it's 'perks.'

Like the song says, "you don't know what you've lost 'til it's gone!"

@Barnie2years This is something we will all feel including those that stupidly support the POS and his imbecilic enablers.


Scientists: funded by taxpayers? Not real Scientists.

Scholars: funded by taxpayers? Communist propaganda

Historians: communist professors you mean?

Economists: Milton Friedman, not stupid keynesian economics

Journalists: communist propaganda like in north Korea they control all sources of information

Donald Trump? A fake opposition to communism to "lead" the conservatives like Lenin said: the best way to control the opposition is to lead it

Science funded by governments is real science!

Unless the government tells the scientists what they want the studies to show before the studies actually begin. It is primarily totalitarian governments and for profit corporations that so that kind of thing.

Trump aspires to be a Fascist oligarchic/plutocratic dictator. He hasn't exactly hidden his admiration for brutal dictators ...

@snytiger6 no way Jose, conflict of interest buddy. Common sense

@snytiger6 the government only funds what they want and the scientists must Obey if they want money

@Communistbitch Unfortunately, that is partially true. Politicians are influenced by their largest political contributors, and it is the purpose of political contributors to make sure their contributions work like "investments" and bring back a return. So the very large political contributions almost always have a "quid pro quo", where politicians are expected to take the actions they wish and fund (only) what those who contributed want them to.

The best direction around this, which I am aware of as a possible solution, would be election which are fully and only publicly funded, so the rich can't influence politics and government to bend to their will. However, trying to fix a corrupted system is a "Catch-22" situation, where the corrupted system prevents any actions beign taken to change the system for the better.


Too much stupid in one post to counter all the false information


I just couldn’t understand it at first. Then I realized that if you believe the bullshit in the Buybull, you’ll believe anything….👀


And of course they blame Biden, who has no control over the Fed and interest rates.

I know. The man talking to me in a parking lot today said he was much richer under Trump. All I told him is that We The People means all of us and not just a few.

@DenoPenno they can make themselves believe anything. During COVID, when people couldn’t travel, go out to eat, go to concerts etc of course they were richer. They had little to spend money on.


Things like this do not instill trust.

puff Level 8 Aug 22, 2024

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially when you start with a conclusion and look for facts to support it. A deeper dive into such statistics would tell you that those unemployment figures are ALWAYS revised later when more accurate data is available. If you look back, this happens every year sometimes up, sometimes down. This is why they say "compared to the figures published at the same time last year".
Btw, my ex-sister-in-law worked for the Australian dept. of statistics in Tazmania, Providing the methodology to ascertain (amongst other things) how many sheep in Australia. They too had to revise each set of figures.

@273kelvin Yes but when the party in power and a compliant media boast about 'good' figures but fail to give anywhere near the same coverage to the correction then it becomes a problem. This is not an isolated example eg Aghan debacle a 'great success', Israel 'defends' itself, Chief medical officials declare a medicine 'safe and effective' whilst still in trials and only months old whilst classifying trial data. A booming economy with low unemployment (they go together) yet running high deficits. 'Unprovoked' conflicts.
All these things add up and trust in government institutions are at their lowest point in my living memory. Media has forgotten journalism for the most part, with far better information coming from podcasts.
I seem to say 'glass houses' on this site often but it is very true eg Trump may be full of shite but so is his opposition eg every single point in this post can be applied to both sides of politics.
Done a bit on statistics myself. Biased language used in the question, where you conduct the survey, how large the sample group is and calculated margin of error which all statistical data will have, unless 100% sampled. But even then, people lie.

@puff Spin has existed since time immemorial. (look how much the gospels were spun for a Roman audience) However, there is a big difference between spin and downright barefaced lies. Eg. Trump and evangelicals claiming post-birth abortions, "The military came to me and said We have no bullets""
As for podcasts, it depends on who you think is better at giving you reliable information. An experienced fire officer or someone who thinks they are started by Jewish space lazers.
Now if we are talking about as yet unsubstantiated news, there are reports that Trump is asking Bini to delay any ceasefire/hostage return until after the election or preferably until a Trump administration. Whilst I can see motive and capability, it is as yet speculative.

@273kelvin Post-birth abortions? lol.
Funny how you don't mention Russiagate, spooks producing a letter to be used during a presidential debate to discredit 100% true information. I have seen many differing sources saying NATO do not have the military industrial capacity to arm themselves and atm, in a full on war about 3 weeks supply.

Zionist are religious zealots who believe they are 'God's chosen ones' (you may take that as 'master race' ) who wish to cleanse their land of the 'native heathens' (read final solution' ). Israel is a theist state that uses apartheid. Not me or politicians or podcasters saying that, the International Criminal Court does. Bibi has zero interest in hostages (IDF hold thousands themselves). And when a full investigation into Oct 7th is done, you will find the IDF's 'Hannibal directive' killed most. At least 400 where in uniform eg active duty in an occupying force where the occupied have a right to resist. All soldiers who died that day zero sympathy for military occupiers.
The reality of human shields is the settlements, all human shields to defend occupation ie not innocent, occupiers. Zero sympathy as well, except they chose to put their children in danger by settling on occupied land where there is a known armed resistance. Fools they are for putting their families in danger. Useful idiots is Bibi's favourite term for these people. Darwin Awards should be given to the lot of them.

Now lets get onto hiding medical issues of a president who has made war (Yemen) without Congress approval. How about that spin saying 'Sharp as a tac' etc for 3 years? Meanwhile he signs everything that is put in front of him ie the 'state' loves a non-compos potus. Military money? Approves all requests. As lies go, hiding a broken potus has to be up there as the most destructive. Kamala refuses to invoke article 25 so what kind of useless leader is she? It is blatantly obvious her loyalties lie with the 'party' and not upholding/ defending the US Constitution/ Bill of Right, to which she swore an oath.
Trump is not in power and has not been for many years. But he will be soon as the democratic party are fascists and people don't like fascism, especially Russians.

@puff I don't know why you put the "lol" on Trump claiming post-birth abortions? He said it in the debate and here again at one of his rallies.

It is one thing to spin the news in your favour It is quite another to tell outright lies in order to take away bodily rights from half your population! Also a bit rich from the party of those gravy seals who were willing to go to the mattresses over wearing a face mask.

As for Russia and Isreal, everybody knows that Trump is Putin's botty boy and zionists regard him as "God's instrument on earth"

@273kelvin '...and after birth, the immediate execution of the baby'. That is what he said in your link ie he never said 'post-birth abortions', the talking head did afterwards. So whom is spinning here?'

And I laughed as a post-birth abortion is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one. That would be murder.
Roe Vs Wade was a federal court decision from 50 years ago. That decision should have been enshrined in legislation and over the last 50 years, there have been times when the democratic party held all three ie the Presidency, House of reps and Congress so why didn't they do it then? It's not as though abortion is a new topic there, every single US election it has been an issue exploited by democrats.
So this year the Federal court decided that they erred 50 years ago, that that decision belonged to individual states and not Federal authority so it is now up to individual states to decide (the US is a constitutional republic after all, not a democracy).
So crying democrats are full of shite, they should have legislated it when they had oppourtunity if the issue is so important to them.

As Putin said, confirmed to him by actions of potus Clinton. US presidents have to get 'clearance' before following agenda's, so for Russia it does not really matter whom the potus is as the state dept carries on regardless.
Putin is a very plain speaker so when asked who he preferred, Trump or Clinton, he responded Trump. Didn't surprise me, after all, Hillary just destroyed Libya and promised to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria (because it worked so well in Libya) and had no love of Russia, stuck in the USSR mentality. Whereas Trump had posed the question 'What's so bad about friendly relations with Russia?' So no surprise from Putin's response.
Then this year when asked he said Biden, again unsurprising as he is brain dead ie US rudderless better for Russia, again no surprise (that's when he said about doesn't really matter who eg look at policy for Israel. All, even Kennedy, are Netanyahu's bitch)
Trump is 100% American, a poster boy eg Brash, self made, in your face and climb over others to get to the top. A bully. And don't forget to flaunt your wealth. American through and through.

NB Me and abortion? Life is all about breathing eg first and last breaths. A fetus in a parasitic relationship with the host mother (parasites cannot survive independently, need a host) is potential life and as such is precious. As a medical procedure, my stance is the same as with all medical procedures ie consent, freely given and informed with no coercion. The state and religions should pull their heads in. It's between a patient and their doctor, no-one else.

@puff Last time I checked "post" and "after" are synonyms, so there is a bit of nit-picking there.
As for "self-made" yeah right. As self-made as anyone else who got a measly $10,000,000 from their dad to start them off. Got into uni via his dad's donations. Likewise out of the draft. Had to be bailed out continuously by his dad. Went bankrupt 6 times (including a casino ffs) until he inherited his dad's real-estate empire. Eventually becoming a reality TV star. (those that can't do teach and those that can't teach do reality TV)
To call Trump 100% American is a vile insult to the American people. Trump is 100% D. J. Trump, it is all he cares about, works for and is loyal to. He would sell his county out in a New York minute if it suited him.

@273kelvin Just a funny term, to abort something that already exists ie bit late to 'abort' when already there lol. Nothing to do with post/ after being synonyms. the oxymoron is aborting something already there. A misquote in an attack video so no doubt the rest of what she says will be accurate lol. Credibility loss straight off the bat.
Trump plays the capitalist game very well and is not the only billionaire that has gone bust previously and recovered.
I'll just change one word here;
'Trump is 100% American, it is all he cares about, works for and is loyal to. He would sell his county out in a New York minute if it suited him.'

The democrats have sold their country out by not managing the border and causing BRICS to grow, the $USD to lose it's world appeal and causing Russia and China to band together. The sickening kowtowing to Israel makes that nation look pathetically weak, as does allowing a decrepit potus to retain power, signing whatever is put in front of him. Yet it is Trump that is the danger of selling the country out and only more democrat governance can save it. Give me a break.
5 weeks ago Kamala was the worse VP in history with talk of Biden replacing her for his next term, yet now she is the perfect candidate lol.

Trump is a psychopath. He has animal cunning and manipulates people by being charismatic, a common trait with these types. He is very vain though and wants his place in history. He will not destroy America but he will change it. How? Who knows. There are many psychopaths in politics, the best example is our former PM Scott Morrison. But we also have HRC, Pelosi, Lindsey Graham etc etc.
Politicians act different around the donor class which Trump once belonged to so he knows them and the system. He's gunna rock their boat which will hurt their profits and (more importantly) power over others in order to make a name for himself when Trump changes whatever he does (hard to predict psycho's except it will be in self interest. With Trump and a second/ last term that means his legacy in the history books. Hopefully he will aim to be remembered as a great leader so not fuck things up too much). Donors are not happy as if he gets in, all their 'investments' may come to naught.
But one thing is for sure, to vote to continue on the same path they are on and you have rocks in your head. Or maybe shares in the military complex.
Trump will not be as bad as everyone is being scared into believing. A Harris presidency is far scarier imo as we won't know who is really running the show, as now with Biden, the 14th best president ever.😀

@puff Trump tried to "post-abort" the 2020 election.
The Democrats supported a Republican immigration bill. Trump killed it for similar reasons as the alleged Bini slow-down.
It is a huge mistake to judge others by your own values. Just because you may or may not hold any loyalty to your country, do not tar everyone with that brush.
Project 2025 is far scarier than anything the Dems propose. Trump telegraphs all his punches to wit he told Christian voters "You only need to vote this year. After that, there will be no need". Now you could think that is BS but remember that he did try and cling to power through violent means.

@273kelvin F'n BS the hand over of power was delayed by a couple of hours due to Pelosi dismissing offers of extra security that day. Speaker of the house is responsible for security. What didn't happen was a formal debate where Trump's plan was for enough doubt to be thrown on results that it was delayed until recounts/ court cases completed. A psycho plan that failed but he flagged what he was going to do before the election, throwing doubt on results. Remember, it was a very close election. I personally think Biden waving his 51 spook letter around at a televised debate to discredit his son's failings was far worse electoral interference.
Clinging to power? WTF are the Obama's still in Washington for? The only ex-president to ever reside in that city.
Project 25 gasp horror. Totally disclaimed but ignored by you; a clear sign to me that you defend democrat doctrine even against logic and reason. You are indoctrinated and suffer from TDS as well. Like arguing with theists many democratic supporters. Try pragmatism, little is black/ white, good/ bad.
This is how loyal I am to my country. I don't like foreign forces permanently based on our sovereign soil and wish they would fuck off. Don't like defense alliances that constantly drag us into war. That's you UK and USA. And quit interfering in our politics as well.
Do you have the memory of a gold fish or do you remember 4 years of 'Not my president'? So who desire to cling to power? 80+ old career politicians do, that's for sure.
Again you miss quote Trump, or not supply context at least. He was encouraging first time voters, bragging he is so good it will be the one and only time they will need to get off their lazy arse's to do it.
You do know it was called an armed insurrection by the Democrats only. Not the FBI nor anyone else. And they were 'armed' with flag poles.

@puff You really believe that BS about Pellosi and the "extra security". 1, The speaker has NO responsibility over house security. 2, Trump did want 10.000 National Guard but he wanted them to march from his rally to the capital with him at the head, Mussolini 1926-style. It was his own staff that dissuaded him (Project 2025 shows he will not make that mistake again)

@273kelvin FBI say 'What insurrection?' []
'Third, the speaker oversees everything from accounting to procurement for the House.'
US capital police answer to the US Capital police board. And they answer to....... []
But regardless, the system worked and power was transferred. All good.

@puff "Third, the speaker oversees everything from accounting to procurement for the House.' Wow the A to P of government, is there an "S" in there for security? My ex used to pay the bills and get the groceries in but she would have been pissed off to the enth if I nudged HER in the middle of the night when I heard a noise.
You can try and whitewash this all you like but I saw what I saw and I heard what I heard and you can say that big brother is holding up 3 fingers, I know it's 4! Thousands of gravy seals attacking the capital sure looks like insurrection to me.
Trump lied about losing in 2020. He lied about fraud before the election, during and after. He lied in court and lost 61 times, he lied to his sheep and scammed them out of $250,000. He lied when he said that Pence had the power to call the vote for him. He called a mob to the capital saying "It will be wild". Meanwhile, all over the internet right-wing groups are buzzing. He then pointed them at the capital saying "You have to fight to take back your country" And then he did fuck all. When cops were getting attacked, he did fuck all. When members of the house had to flee, he did fuck all. When his own VP was threatened with hanging, he did fuck all.
Take a look at the definition of mutiny, it's the same as insurrection. A person shall be found guilty if they a, take part in a mutiny or b, not do all in their power to stop said mutiny.

@273kelvin You know better than the FBI then. And this guy, under oath. This is just his introduction but watch his full testimony if really interested.............but I doubt it. Do you know how to search original sources on the internet? Try it first then look at how that exact thing you just watched is reported.
I tend to believe first hand witness testimony under oath rather than 2nd-3rd hand opinion pieces from media you obviously get your news from.


Don't know how they can compare 9/11 or other great American tragedies in recent history. To January 6th with no guards or police that dead that day.

Same with isreal claiming victoms wail they doing the same things to Palestinians by a 100 fold.


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