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Ryo1 8 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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One person said 'This is a made-up story.' Then, another person came on and said 'I did this (the sticker). All good. You're welcome.'
It doesn't matter. Only good comes from it.

Ryo1 Level 8 Aug 24, 2024

Do lots of dogs do as instructed & urinate on the lamppost & bike?

I haven't seen a cobbled street for a long time. Where is it?

There are loads in the UK!

@Ryo1 still! The street I lived on for many years had the cobbles covered with tarmac about mid 1950's.

@Ryo1 I suppose you're going to say that dogs can't read the i struction to pee on your sons bike & the lamppost!

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