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The 10 non-commandments ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 23

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Could all be replaced by one none commandment

i. E . Science for all uncertainties proves its worth


More like the Ten Suggestions..


Love It, staying positive instead of emphasizing the negative.


Those are fine but kind of a mouthful. I like the 10 Commitments of Humanism, which work pretty well for me to strive toward. Correct, there is no one right way to live, but these do well for me. Yours has a golden rule though, which the ten commitments don't. I think everyone should learn some form of the golden rule in kindergarten - no religious label needed.

I've always preferred the wording more like: "Treat others as you would like them to treat you, if the situation was reversed."


Number 1 and most importantly sin of all, according to Christian is...
No other God's before me.

Number 6 is.....
Thou shall not kill.
The 6th most important

What a fucked up priority list.


Funny how much these are like the Principles of the Unitarian church in America, except for the fact that the actual congregations usually fall way short of their idealistic principles, same as believer churches..


A five year old could come up with better rules to live by than the biblical 10 commandments.

My grandsons were taught just one basic rule, by their dad, which has worked for them so far. It's simply: "Don't be a dick!"

Like, be honest and don't harm.

@Julie808 My dad was “ don’t lie!”

@Julie808 Very fitting, it also matches the wording on the one bar I visit every week to sing karaoke. The bar is called GoodSon's Food And Spirits, and on the door it says the one rule there is "Don't Be A Dick"...


What about pussies and assholes.?

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